Absolute Family Chiropractic Blog

The Sitting Epidemic in Vacaville

The Sitting Epidemic in Vacaville

Gut Health Explained by Chiropractor Alex Tam

How To Improve Your Gut Health

How To Improve Your Gut Health Your gut health is all about the balance of microorganisms that live inside your digestive tract. This part of your body is important because having a well-balanced health of these microorganisms is vital for your immunity, physical and mental health, and many more. These bacteria, viruses, and yeasts are…

chiropractic care for back pain

Activities That Can Cause Back Pain

Woman Holding Her Stomach in Pain

Prevent Scariest Diseases Of Our Time

Prevent Scariest Diseases Of Our Time Everybody poops and every parent have used this story to tell their children when it comes to using the bathroom. Even so, what happens in the bathroom should be our own business. Nobody wants to hear about some else’s bowel movement and the majority don’t feel like sharing such…

Back Adjustment in Vacaville CA

Best Stretches For Scoliosis

Best Stretches For Scoliosis Do you suffer from scoliosis in Vacaville and are looking for relief?  Chiropractor Alex Tam of Absolute Family Chiropractic provides some stretches on how to help relieve your pain. Scoliosis is a condition where the spine is curved sideways which then causes pain, weakness, and changes the way a person walks.…

Chiropractic Vacaville CA Knee Pain

The Positive Effects of Stem Cell Therapy on Osteoarthritis

The Positive Effects of Stem Cell Therapy on Osteoarthritis Knee osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that continues to affect many individuals every year. The cartilage substance inside the knee experiences wear and tear which may cause the person to feel uncomfortable symptoms like pain, stiffness, and tenderness. According to Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Journal (oarsijournal.com), by…