Absolute Family Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic Vacaville CA how sleep affects your immune system

How Does Sleep Affect Your Immune System in Vacaville, CA

How Does Sleep Affect Your Immune System in Vacaville If you’re not aware, having less sleep can affect your immune system. Vacaville chiropractors know people who don’t get enough sleep are more prone to sickness after being exposed to a virus like the common cold virus. It will also affect how fast you can recover…

What Is Idiopathic Neuropathy Vacaville CA

What Is Idiopathic Neuropathy in Vacaville, CA

What Is Idiopathic Neuropathy in Vacaville Neuropathy is a condition where the damaged nerves interfere with the proper function of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). When the cause can’t be narrowed down, it’s called idiopathic neuropathy. The central nervous system (CNS) sends information to the PNS and distributes it to the rest of the body.…

Chiropractic Vacaville CA shoulder-pain

What Causes Your Shoulder to Hurt in Vacaville, CA

What Causes Your Shoulder to Hurt in Vacaville Our shoulders can do a wide range of motion. Once there’s something wrong with it, your ability to move freely will now be limited due to the pain and discomfort. The shoulder consists of a ball-and-socket joint that has 3 main bones: the clavicle, scapula, and humerus.…

Chiropractic Vacaville CA type 1 type 2 diabetes

Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in Vacaville, CA

Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in Vacaville Diabetes melitus is a group of metabolic diseases that can be distinguished by high blood sugar levels that’s caused by defects in insulin secretion, its action, or both. Chiropractors in Vacaville know that during the ancient times, diabetes was first associated as a disease that is linked…

Chiropractic Vacaville CA Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis in Vacaville, CA

Rheumatoid Arthritis in Vacaville Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is the most common form of autoimmune arthritis. An estimate of 1.3 million Americans is affected by this disease and 75% of these patients are women. In fact, women have a 1-3% chance of getting arthritis in their lifetime and it starts between the age of 30 to…

Chiropractic Vacaville CA Things You May Not Know About Peripheral Neuropathy

Things You May Not Know About Peripheral Neuropathy in Vacaville, CA

Things You May Not Know About Peripheral Neuropathy in Vacaville Your peripheral nervous system is a collection of nerves that connects your brain and spinal cord, or central nervous system, to the other parts of your body. It includes your arms, face, feet, hands, legs, mouth, and internal organs. These nerves are responsible for delivering…